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Why You Need a Horizontal Wood Fence – Balanced Living Magazine

Posted in Home

To enhance curb appeal their homes should consider installing a wood fence. A popular option for fencing your home is wood. The fence is constructed using cedar and redwood boards. This video on YouTube, “How to Build a Horizontal Fence” provides the steps involved in building a wooden fence.

Wood fencing installation requires a couple of tools. Essential tools include a post-hole digger, a drilling machine, and wood lumber. Before you begin the installation process, measuring the length of the fence you are planning to construct is crucial to ensure that materials are enough to construct the fence up to its final stage. In the first place, dig postholes that are ten to twelve inches in diameter. Make sure the postholes are six inches deep below the frost line. Then, you can fill the holes in the posts by putting small bits of gravel or stones.

Insert the posts in the holes. Then, adjust the screws until the screw is secure. Also, brace the posts along both sides for a firmer post. The post-holes should also be filled to the half extent with previously dug soil. Following that, it is time to compact the concrete by sopping the entire area before using fast-drying concrete in order to make the posts firm and sturdy. Once you have set up your posts, join redwood boards using a drill and screws. The redwood will last for years which is why you should utilize it.
